Design Ventura


The Design Museum
London, United Kingdom

A product design competition and learning programme for years 9,10 and 11 students in the UK and worldwide.

Every year, Design Ventura invites students in years 9,10 and 11 to design a new product for the Design Museum shop by responding to a brief. The winning team works with a design studio to produce the final product to sell at the shop and forwards the profit to a charity of the students’ choice. 

As the Design Museum’s flagship learning project, the programme helps to develop design thinking, creativity and entrepreneurship. Since its launch in 2010 in partnership with Deutsche Bank, it has seen over 128,000 students participate.

Design Ventura 2021-22, a brief set by artist and designer Yuri Suzuki engaged 300 schools and 20,1000 students across the UK. The top 10 shortlisted schools were invited to the museum to participate in design workshops, attend talks by leading designers and meet creatives, designers and practitioners from the creative industry. We designed the programmes to introduce diverse pathways within the creative industry and encourage the students to engage with design through multiple entry points.