Entrepreneurs Hub


The Design Museum
London, United Kingdom

An 8-week programme dedicated to help creatives launch their business. 

The Entrepreneurs Hub launched at the Design Museum in the Autumn 2021 - the very first dedicated business accelerator hosted by a cultural institution in the UK. We designed the programme tailored to creatives, introducing key skills for kickstarting a design-led business inviting more than 50 experts. An 8-week programme consisted of masterclasses, workshops, personal development sessions, mentoring, inspirational talks and social events, culminating in a finale showcase.

With diversity, access and inclusion at the heart of the programme, we committed to reaching creators underrepresented in the art and design sector, and that might have felt locked out of previous opportunities to explore entrepreneurship. The museum's mission to serve as an accessible learning hub empowering the next generation of creatives shaped the programme. This was embedded in all stages of the programme–development, application process, bursaries, operation and evaluation.